Celebrate New Year 2012

People, especially youngsters, have a penchant for buying branded clothes. Young women entering the shops prefer designer and colourful winter wear.

The upcoming new year has also given much of an excuse to buy the latest trendy designer winter wears, so that one could enjoy the New Year Greetings 2012 Party without shivering.

 Even though the intensity of cold in the city has come down in the last three days, people are still dashing off to buy latest woolen clothes. From sweat T-shirts to pullovers, woolens in an array of shapes, sizes, colors, cuts and styles are flying off the shelves.

"I am hurrying up to buy some more designer stuff so that bone-chilling winter does not affect my fashionable looks at the New Year bash," said Parmita Shah, a student.

 Anamika Jha, who was buying jackets from a Woodland shop, said, "Winter wardrobe is incomplete without the latest winter coats and jackets. From military-like, cropped, double-breasted, trench to tuxedo jackets, the options are plenty and I want a new look at every party."

The weeklong celebrations from Christmas to New Year, being held at various restaurants and clubs, has prompted city youngsters to rearrange their wardrobes to have a different and stylish look at every bash they attend.

Apparently, woollen apparel traders are enjoying the brisk sale of their goods, even through a section of people may be cursing the cold. Dinesh Singh, a shopkeeper at Hathwa market, said, "We are making good money this season. Although prices have gone up, people are turning up in large numbers to buy woollens."

Most of the shops selling designer jackets, overcoats and sweaters have either run out of stock or have been forced to restock.

Youngsters are preferring jackets of latest fashion, which are available in the price range of Rs 1,500 to Rs 8,000, and more. Designer stoles have replaced the demand for shawls this season. Girls are giving preference to designer scarves of silk, cashmere and even georgette.

"Though georgette and chiffon scarves will not provide relief from cold, but they can give any dress a trendier and stylish look," said Reema Ahluwalia, a student, adding, "Style is all that matters when you go to a party."

Stoles are available for as low as Rs 200 and going up to Rs 1,000. Shops selling caps, mufflers and gloves are also doing brisk business as youngsters prefer to make a style statement. Designer cardigans are now available for Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000, while branded jackets can be had for Rs 3,000 to Rs 10,000.

Happy New Year Wishes 2012

New Year marks the beginning of a new Gregorian calendar year. Celebrated universally every year on January 1 in various innovative ways, the trend to observe this date as an important day in the calendar has spread globally. People at midnight hold special events, entertaining activities and grand celebrations to welcome the New Year. In many regions of the world, it is celebrated as a public holiday and the offices, institutions and commercial activities remain closed to observe Happy New Year Greetings 2012. The New Year 2012 falls on Sunday and is approaching and people are busy with their plans to celebrate the advent of the day with their own unique ideas.

Although the time zones of New Year festivity vary but celebrations for New Year festival kick off in advance. The enthusiasm of people could be witnessed at market areas, hotels, pubs and other community centres as these places remain crowded before and on the day of celebration. Most people consider New Year as the right time to adopt a resolution for the forthcoming year.

As a tradition to welcome the New Year, major incidents of the passing year are recalled on television, newspapers and radio which usually kicks off in early December.
Sending New Year cards, carrying beautiful quotes is relatively a modern practice. People also scour for innovative and lovely New Year gifts and cards to send warm New Year greetings to their family members and friends. Many observe the event by arranging feast that includes various delicious handmade items.

But with the advancement of technology, the trend of sending New Year wishes is gradually shifting to mobile platform. The reason, its user friendly features of New Year SMS allow the sender to send text messages to another mobile number within the shortest span of time. Moreover, options are also made available to make the messages more personalized or simply say 'Happy New Year 2012' by adding icons or smileys.

The New Year in India is also celebrated with great excitement by following the Gregorian calendar which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In Europe, the observance of New Year symbolizes as Baby New Year in which a baby boy is dressed in a hat, diaper and sash believed that he grows up along with passing of each day.

In the Europe New Year is marked with bursting firecrackers and making bonfires of the discarded Christmas trees.

source : TOI

New Year Wishes 2012


Another year is at its end and a new year is waiting. On 31st December’s night as the clock strikes twelve millions of New Year greetings 2012  & New Year Cards 2012 are sent by the people to their friends and loved ones. Everyone make New Year resolutions. On the start of a New Year, everyone gets another year to enjoy the life and to make the relationships strong so, start your New Year by giving best New Year wishes to your near and dear ones. Get the unique New Year sms and New Year messages this year from our site and enjoy the celebration. Do you need new year sms messages? You are at place now where you are going to get new year messages. You can also send new year text messages to friends. New year wishes are collected by experts. Finding new year poems and cute new years quotes are also not difficult now. You can also use these new year cards texts in new year greetings.

  1. Happy New Year wishes
    Happy New Year wishes. A new year wish for every
    happiness today, tomorrow, and always
    Enjoy your times! Happy New Year 2012
  2. Special New Year wishes
    Sending you special New Year wishes
    A double share of greetings to wish you health and
    happiness all year through. Happy New Year My Dear!
  3. What new year brings
    What new year brings to us will greatly
    depend on what we bring in to the new year
    Let’s all start anew with lots of positivity
    A great 2011 to all of us! Cheers!
    Wish u Very Happy New Year
  4. All The Best Year for 2012
    May you have a happy New Year. May you and
    those who you hold dear be inscribed for a great year
    We wish you all the best Year for 2012
  5. Bright New Year
    This bright new year is given me
    To live each day with zest
    To daily grow and try to be
    My highest and my best!
  6. Be Blessed Happy New Year
    Wishing you a year of courageousness
    of the heart, silence of the mind and presence in the now
    Be Blessed Happy New Year
  7. Wishing u a truly fulfilling New Year
    New Year is the time to unfold
    new horizons & realize new dreams,
    to rediscover the strength & faith within u,
    to rejoice in simple pleasures and
    gear up for new challenges.
    Wishing u a truly fulfilling New Year!

  • May God continue to bless you and your family with divine light, love and power that will bring much love, joy, peace, inner strength and overflowing abundance in your home. Happy New year!\
  • May this NEW YEAR be a song of THANKSGIVING, an offering of PRAISE, a celebration of GOD’S LOVE in HIS Amazing GRACE! A blessed & joyous New Year to you and your family!
  • My friend, sincerely, I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm. Wishing you not just happiness but pure joy, not just wealth but Heaven's treasures, not just silence but God's peace. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  • Wishing you and your family the timeless treasures of Christ...the warmth of home, the love of family and the company of good friends. Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New year.
  • May the good Lord continue to bless you and your family with things that matter most if life - a gift of good health, happy home and peace of mind these holidays and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Holidays in India 2012

India is a multi-religious country celebrating holidays of various religions.

The 2012 three national celebrated India public holidays are Republic Day, Gayanti Jayanti and Independence Day. The local festivals are based on prevalent religious population in that region. The popular festivals celebrated in all parts of India include Hindu festivals namely, Holi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Dassera and Islamic festivals namely, Eid ul-Fitr, Milad- an- Nab and Eid al-Adha. Sikh festivals include Guru Nanak Jayanti, Jain festivals such as Mahavir Jayanti and Christian festivals such as Good Friday and Christmas are also well celebrated.

List of 2012 India Public Holidays 

New Year’s Day - Sunday, 1 January. This is the international holiday, but is widely accepted globally.

Pongal- Saturday, 14 January - South Indian harvest festival.
India Republic Day - Thursday, 26 January. The Republic Day is a national holiday marking the Constitution of India adoption and the transition of India from British Dominion.
Milad-Un-Nabi - Saturday, 4 February- birth of Prophet Muhammad.
Mahashivratri – Monday, 20 February- dedicated to Lord Shiva. This falls on a moonless night and devotees offer special prayers on this day.
Holi - Thursday, 8 March and 9 March as festival of colors. Holi is celebrated by throwing colored powder and water at each other.
Mahavir Jayanthi - Thursday, 5 April- the birth of the last Tirthankara, Mahavira.
Good Friday - Friday, 6 April- Lord Jesus death.
Easter Monday - Monday, 9 April - Resurrection of Jesus.
May Day - Tuesday, 1 May- is celebrated as the Labor Day.
Buddha Purnima - Saturday, 5 May- death of Buddha.
Krishna Janmashtami - Friday, 10 August- birth of Lord Krishna.
India Independence Day - Wednesday, 15 August- celebrating independence of India.

Id ul Fitr - Sunday, 19 August- Ramadan end celebration.
Ganesh Chaturthi - Sunday, 9 September – Wednesday, 19 September- Lord Ganesh birthday.
Gandhi Jayanti - Tuesday, 2 October- birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
Dussera - Wednesday, 24 October
Bakrid - Friday, 26 October- feast of sacrifice
Diwali - Tuesday, 13 November- festival of lights
Festival of Lights Diwali – a very important Hindu festival 2012
Muharram - Saturday, 24 November- mourning Imam Hussain, the martyrdom.
Guru Nanak Jayanti - Wednesday, 28 November- birthday of Guru Nanak
Christmas - Tuesday, 25 December- birth of Jesus.

New Year celebrations in Punjab , India - 31 december 2011

AMRITSAR: As New Year and assembly elections draw near, members of Idiot Club have swung into action to bring awareness about sanitation and the prevailing political scenario among people. Members of the club, who take pride in being called idiots, have decided to "honour" persons throwing garbage on streets or spitting or urinating in public places. For political awareness, the "idiots" would hold classes teaching booth capturing, firing guns, exchange of votes for liquor and holding meetings in crematoriums.

President of club Rajinder Rikhi "idiot" told TOI on Saturday that members would go around the city to find people who are making a mess in public places and give them certificates and shawls on New Year.

source : http ://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes. com/2011-12-25/india/30556175_1_idiots-booth-assembly-elections

Greeting cards regaining popularity

Despite the rapid inroad by SMSs, e-mails and social networking sites among large sections of people in the past couple of years, the traditional way of conveying New Year’s greetings through cards has not lost its appeal.

Suffering a few years’ downfall, the card industry is gradually showing some signs of resurgence, thanks to the new strategies adopted by the card makers, the preference of people is shifting from e-card and messages to the paper-cards which has physical existence.

The card shops of city are bedecked with varieties of greeting cards weeks before the Christmas. The new graphics, designing, vibrant colours, and embossed patterns are attracting the young and old alike.

The Archies Gallery of Silpukhuri has seen many ups and downs of the card industry in the 20 years of its existence. The persons associated with the gallery feel that whereas the past decade brought about a lean period for the New Years’ greeting cards, the trend of card-giving is gaining popularity once again with the beginning of the new decade.

“This year, the sale is even better than last year. People of all the age groups are buying greeting cards weeks ahead of the New Year. In terms of designing also, the cards have improved a lot to cater to different sections and age groups of people,” said Dharani Das, manager of the gallery.

The gallery has New Year’s cards ranging between Rs 35 to Rs 175. Whereas the youngsters go for colourful Archies’ cards, the corporate houses, social organizations and senior citizens prefer the charity cards from Help Age India, CRY and UNICEF, among others.

“The cards convey more warmth in comparison to emails and messages, though they are more expensive in comparison to the electronic options. I prefer to spend some time and money to wish New Year’s greetings to my closest friends and relatives,” said Purabi Kalita, a student.

The card companies are also targeting different sections of people through designing special cards with beautiful messages for them. “We have New Year’s cards for mother, father, grandparents, teachers, friends, spouse, brother, sisters. In a nutshell, anyone and everyone would find a card for expressing his or her feelings,” said Manasdeep Baisya, a card shop owner of Ulubari.

New Year 2012 wallpapers

Happy New Year 2012 Wallpapers

Be prepared to Celebrate New Year with these new year Greetings
2012 wallpapers to feel the joy and make your desktop more beautiful,
you can even send happy New Year wallpapers to 
your friends, family and loved ones.

The countdown has begun and we are finally all set to enter the most awaited year of the century, year 2012

 New Year wallpapers at 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x800 resolution with New Year desktop pictures,photos wallpapers

GOOD BYE 2011 and welcome NEW YEAR 2012
  What's your favorite wallpaper for  New Year 2012? 
Please let us know in the comments!

New Year Quotes

Do you want to send a special New Year greetings to your friends? Here is a great collection of New Year greetings. Some of the greetings convey worldly wisdom, while others present a diverse perspective about the New Year. Choose from this collection of New Year greetings to send good wishes to your near and dear ones.

Thomas Mann
Time has no divisions to mark its passage; there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.

Hamilton Wright Mabie
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.

Charles Lamb
No one ever regarded the first of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam.

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

William Ellery Channing
I will seek elegance rather than luxury, refinement rather than fashion. I will seek to be worthy more than respectable, wealthy and not rich. I will study hard, think quietly, talk gently, and act frankly. I will listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with an open heart. I will bear all things cheerfully, do all things bravely await occasions and hurry never. In a word I will let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common.

Ann Landers
Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you don't think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You'll look ten years younger. Don't be afraid to say, 'I love you'. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world.

Maria Edgeworth
There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence.

P. J. O'Rourke
It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow than to spend tonight like there's no money.

Ogden Nash
Every New Year is the direct descendant, isn't it, of a long line of proven criminals?

George William Curtis
The New Year begins in a snow storm of white vows.

Ellen Goodman
We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential.

Samuel Johnson
Surely, it is much easier to respect a man who has always had respect, than to respect a man who we know was last year no better than ourselves, and will be no better next year.

Friedrich Nietzsche
No, life has not disappointed me. On the contrary, I find it truer, more desirable and mysterious every year ever since the day when the great liberator came to me: the idea that life could be an experiment of the seeker for knowledge and not a duty, not a calamity, not trickery.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.

Kersti Bergroth
It is difficult not to believe that the next year will be better than the old one! And this illusion is not wrong. Future is always good, no matter what happens. It will always give us what we need and what we want in secret. It will always bless us with right gifts. Thus in a deeper sense our belief in the New Year cannot deceive us.

Albert Einstein
I feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance, because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmoniously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your very being, and seems to make the day's work like a happy child at play.

Happy New Year Dragon 2012

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2012 is the Year of the Dragon, which begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013. The Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal signs. The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and power. Today, it is the ultimate auspicious symbol signifying success and happiness. May the celestial Dragon bring great good luck to everyone.

In Sung Dynasty (a Chinese imperial dynasty lasting from AD 960 - 1279) texts, the dragon is described as having the head of an ox, muzzle of a donkey, eyes of a shrimp, horns of a deer, body of a serpent covered with fish scales, and feet of a phoenix. The dragon usually clutches a pearl symbolic of its super-natural powers. Invariably accompanied by thunder and rain, dragons move like lightning and whirlwinds - - all powerful yet totally unpredictable.

The Sign of the Dragon

People born in the Year of the Dragon share certain characteristics: Innovative, enterprising, self-assured, brave, passionate, conceited, and quick-tempered. The Dragons are the free spirits of the Chinese Zodiac. Restrictions blow out their creative spark that is ready to flame into life. So, they must be free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas and extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful.

People born in the Year of the Dragon usually make it to the top. But, they must be aware of that too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled. They find pleasure in helping others, and you can always count on their help. Even though they are willing to assist when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Their generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. Their self-sufficiency can mean that they have no need for close bonds with other people.

Dragon people tend to take thrilling risks, and burn the candle at both ends so they are fortunate to be blessed with good health. However, they can suffer bad health as a result of excess stress. Symtoms of their personalities often stem from emotional outbursts and can range from tension headaches to depression to hypertension. They can remedy these problems by maintaining their cool, implementing a routine in their daily lives, and practice meditation, Tai Chi or Yoga that soothe the mind and spirit as well as tone the body.

The Dragon is not the most domesticated of the Animal signs. So, people born in the Year of the Dragon prefer enjoying outdoor activities rather than staying at home. They are extroverts who have a deep love for nature. Their homes should be as large and majestic as their personalities, providing space for the fiery temperament or emotional eruptions that accompany their character. They have true and sincere love, which comes from the depths of their hearts.

Dragon people are quite imaginative, always able to see new paths and will take a radical approach. They have innate explorative spirit and try to succeed at one stroke. They are very adaptable and are fit for various occupations, especially if those occupations allow them to take the limelight. They work hard, but would rather give orders than receive them. They should avoid jobs that encompass too much routine, and should move toward jobs in which their self-reliance can be an asset.

People born in the Year of the Dragon like to spend money and are charitable themselves as well as with others. Many Dragon people will take big chances with their finances. It is very rare that they remain poor for long. They will always be straightforward in financial dealings and can always be trusted.

Dragon Years: 02/19/1904 to 02/03/1905 (Wood), 02/03/1916 to 01/22/1917 (Fire), 01/23/1928 to 02/09/1929 (Earth), 02/08/1940 to 01/26/1941 (Metal), 01/27/1952 to 02/13/1953 (Water), 02/13/1964 to 02/01/1965 (Wood), 01/31/1976 to 02/17/1977 (Fire), 02/17/1988 to 02/05/1989 (Earth), 02/05/2000 to 01/23/2001 (Metal), 01/23/2012 to 02/09/2013 (Water).

Famous Dragon People: Calista Flockhart, Colin Farrell, Courtney Cox, Courtney Love, Dinah Shore, Isabella Rossellini, Julia Ormond, Juliette Binoche, Reese Witherspoon, Roseanne Barr, Sandra Bullock, and Wynonna Judd.

Happy New Year Greetings

Chinese Zodiac Signs

Asian communities throughout the world will mark the Lunar New Year beginning Jan. 26 with festivities that include plenty of food, firecrackers (to chase away evil spirits), red paper lanterns (red being a bright color that portends a sunny future) and dragon and lion dances for good luck. (In the dances, a group of performers holds up a model of the animal's head and a long train symbolizing its body and moves sinuously as a way to demonstrate power and dignity — no lions or dragons are harmed.) Such traditions are rooted in an astrological system that dates back to the Shang Dynasty (about 1700 B.C.), when soothsayers would burn turtle shells or shoulder blades of goats or cattle and use the cracks to interpret what the future held. The remains of these "readings" were unearthed years later and called dragon bones. Although these methods weren't specifically astrological, the period marks the beginning of the Chinese connection to the celestial bodies that form the basis of the Chinese zodiac. (See pictures of Chinese New Year celebrations)

Because the Chinese calendar is based on the moon's rotation, the new year can occur anytime from mid-January to late February. According to legend, the calendar was created by Ta Nao, a minister of Emperor Huang Ti's, and has been used in Asia since 4000 B.C. It is based on 12 temperaments represented by 12 symbolic animals — rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig (the dragon being the well-known favorite). After 12 years, the cycle restarts, matching the length of Jupiter's solar orbit. (Read "China Not So Bullish About the Year of the Ox.")

Each animal in the zodiac is associated with its own element — metal, wood, earth, water or fire — while each year is assigned an element. The combination of these two elements is said to define a person's personality. For example, 2009 is the year of the earth ox, but the ox's fixed element is water; the mix of the two elements, earth and water, is believed by some to be a destructive blend.

Animals and some of their corresponding years:

• Goat/Sheep (well-mannered, altruistic, insecure, irresponsible): 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

• Monkey (independent, enthusiastic, unscrupulous, childlike personality): 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

• Rooster (resourceful, adventurous, short-sighted, impractical): 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

• Dog (attentive, loyal, stubborn, guarded): 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

• Pig/Boar (sincere, cultured, noncompetitive, gullible): 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

• Rat (hardworking, thrifty, quick-tempered, neurotic): 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

• Ox (patient, self-sacrificing, jealous, rigid): 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

• Tiger (lucky, courageous, vain, undisciplined): 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

• Rabbit (ambitious, unflappable, aloof, private): 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

• Dragon (intuitive, influential, demanding, judgmental): 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

• Snake (calm, intelligent, lazy, possessive): 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

• Horse (entertaining, powerful, selfish, rebellious): 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Elements that correspond to particular animals:

Metal (monkey, rooster, dog): resolute and intense, can be stubborn

Wood (tiger, rabbit, dragon): high moral standards, tendency to take on too much

Earth (not fixed because it is composed of the four other elements): practical and reliable, can suffer from lack of imagination)

Water (pig, rat, ox): skillful communicators but can be too passive

Fire (snake, horse, sheep): aggressive, domineering, dynamic in speech and action

A Chinese astrologer takes all these factors into consideration when charting an individual's personality or determining what a new year will bring. These predictions aren't just for carnival sideshows or fortune cookies: in many Asian cultures, each year's forecasts are studied carefully for portents relating to business, romantic and family decisions for the coming year. Some Chinese plan births during dragon years to improve their children's fortune. Some people born in "wrong" years have reportedly been excluded from attending weddings and funerals. As for those making plans for 2009, be warned: because the element of fire is lacking from this year's forecast, fortune tellers don't believe the economy will fare any better than it did in 2008's year of the rat.

Read more: http ://www.time. com/time/world/article/0,8599,1873900,00.html#ixzz1hcDacrHO

New Year party Ideas for youngsters 2012

New Year's Evening is one of the biggest celebrations each year for the youngsters. Ringing in the new year is an occasion for people to socialize and cut loose. While adults have their own New Year parties that usually involve alcohol, youngsters & teenages often get overlooked. Even so, it's possible to provide a night of fun and celebration for youngsters or teenages while keeping everyone safe at the same time.

Fake Cocktails

Consuming hard drinks and other alcoholic beverages is a common tradition for adults on New Year's Party, but is not an option for youngsters. However, youth can get creative creating fake cocktails, or "mocktails." Purchase several types of soft drinks or nonalcoholic drinks, such as sodas and juices. youngsters can mix and match different drinks to create interesting flavors.

Long Drives

Riding around town in a car is a way for teens to celebrate New Year's in style. Just gather a small party of teens and rent a Luxury Car for 3 or 4 hours. This will give them time to socialize and feel like celebrities while cruising around.

New Year Party

Another fun way for youngsters to celebrate the New Year is  Dancing. DJ can be Hired for the evening, and can Help you enjoy hours of fun until the clock strikes midnight. Be sure to pick latest songs that youngsters are interested in for the Mad results.

Best Christmas & New Year rhymes

We bring you ten Christmas and New Year greetings in rhyme, to help you truly express your love to friends and family this joyful time! So get into the Christmas state of mind and spread some cheer all the way up to the New Year!

1. Somehow, not only for Christmas, but all the long year through, the joy that you give to others, Is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing, the poor and lonely and sad, the more of your heart’s possessing, returns to you glad.

2. From Home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other.

3. A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; it makes no noise at all, but softly gives itself away; while quite unselfish, it grows small. May you have a bright and beautiful Christmas!

4. Two things upon this changing earth can neither change nor end; the splendor of Christ’s humble birth, the love of friend for friend. Merry X’Mas!!

5. Christmas is a festive time and nothing can compare, to the special cheer that fills the home for everyone to share… So may your home be filled with joy When Christmas time is here, and may very special happiness be yours throughout the coming Year.

6. When the midnight bell rings tonight, let it signify new and better things for your life; let it signify a realisation of all the things you wish for, let it signify a year of courage and dreams evermore. Wishing you a very prosperous new year!

7. A Happy New Year dear friend! Grant that I, may bring no tear to your eye. When this New Year in time shall end, let it be said I've played the friend, have lived and loved and labored here, and made it for you a happy year.

8. Ring out the old, ring in the new, ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring happy bells across the snow, the year is going, let him go! Happy New Year!

9. If it didn't bring you joy, just leave it behind. Let's ring in the New Year with good things in mind. Let every bad memory that brought heartache and pain, turn a new leaf
with the smell of new rain. Sending you these greetings to bring you hope and cheer.
Happy New Year!

10. Recalling all the happy times, remembering how they enriched our lives, we reflect upon who really counts, as the fresh and bright New Year arrives. Thanks for being one of the reasons I'll/we’ll have a Happy New Year! source : http: //idiva. com/news-work-life/top-10-christmas-new-year-greetings-in-rhymes/9925

New Year Gifts Ideas 2013

New Year 2012  is quickly approaching. I'm sure you all are busy in shopping Greetings Cards & Gifts for your friends , family & loved ones. Read on for some fresh Gift ideas for Men , Women , Kids & Yourself

Are you planning to create any sewn projects for your loved ones? Let us know your ideas— and here are ours :

Gift Ideas for Men : The Andrew cardigan is a wonderful gift for men— try cutting it out from a beautifully colored wool or an Aztec print. Have fun with contrasting buttons and lining. A girl would love this too!

A classic blazer

For whom? This is for a couple who have been together for a while but don't necessarily live together. You can wear a blazer with anything, but do you have one that's sufficiently versatile? A classic, timeless piece you'll have for the rest of your life? Probably not. She can find a perfect specimen here.

A great iPod dock

For whom? This is for more serious couples who have taken at least a couple of trips together. Playing music off your computer is fine at home, but what happens when all your friends rent a cabin in the woods for a long weekend and you want to bring some tunes along? A small but powerful set of iPod speakers are essential for a man who loves music but also loves to travel. She can start her search here.

A fine single malt

For whom? Only a true lover of whisky will appreciate this, but if that's what you are, this is a dream gift. If she really knows how to make you happy, she'll buy you a high-quality rocks glass to sip this out of. Bruichladdich is an affordable single malt that features all the flavor elements that make this spirit exceptional.

Sports / Concert Tickets

For whom? For any man who's single, divorced, dating, young or old, enjoys sports, and loves to watch his favorite team live. Or, if you're not the sporting type, maybe she can excite you with

Gift Ideas For Those Who Need to Relax : If you’re a sewing novice this project is for you. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t relish a bit of extra warmth in the colder months, so a heatable pillow filled with rice or wheat with lavender is quite a practical gift. You can personalize it by dictating the fabric utilized or screen-printing a message on it— just make sure you use 100% natural materials that are microwave-safe. Check out this awesome tutorial for a hand-made lavender eye pillow.

For The One Who Has Everything : One thing you can do for Mom or your sister (or that person whom has everything) is make a pair of unexpectedly cool oven mitts. Another idea is to make an eyemask— make sure to fill it with lavender for ultra-relaxation. Another unisex accessory is a wallet.

Gift Ideas for Girls or Women : Skirts are simple to make and extremely versatile. Try our 2-tiered skirt project from our book with lace and metallic fabric for a girl who loves to dress up in India.


While it may be true that diamonds are a girl's best friend, gold, silver, platinum, precious gems and semi-precious stones are also high on the wish-list for this holiday season. In fact, the jewelry business has been strong all year with sales up more than 11% from last year, according to the Jewelry Industry Research Institute and a strong commodities market for metals pushed for increased numbers. In spite of the recession fears, which may put a damper on other retail sectors, purchasing jewelry and accessories is often seen as a way to spruce up one's wardrobe without having to buy a closet full of new clothes.

Clothing and Apparel

Let's face it, some women want to look good no matter what the economy dictates. So, one can never go wrong with a gift of the latest fashion. Jeans, sweaters, coats and boots top the list of must-have items for holiday gift-giving, and according to research firm ShopperTrak, an increase of 2.7% is expected for sales of apparel and accessories. According to PriceGrabber, 66% of shoppers surveyed plan to select apparel for gifts this holiday.

Electronics and Appliances

Sales figures tell us that women also like electronic gadgets, like eReaders, iPods, iPhones and mobile devices, but for different reasons than men. Women like to stay in touch and catch up on the latest celeb gossip rather than search for news and sports. And developers have tapped into that female market with stylish and fun devices as well as applications that appeal to women with busy schedules, such as grocery, doctor and fashion magazine apps.

Gift Ideas For Kids : A huge range of children's gift ideas from soft toys & puppets, glow in the dark stars & shapes, light up toys and gifts that will get them active.


Toys Stimulate your kid's imagination through play and adventure with toys, games and puzzles. From the latest app toys to retro favorites and remote control helicopters, enjoy hours of fun!


Soft Toys & Puppets Spark the imagination with these Glow Bears, Cheeky Chimps, and enchanted puppets. Great gifts for kids.


Glow In The Dark Stars Glow in the dark stars shapes and murals make great gifts for kids. Great gifts ideas for children.

Christmas Gift Ideas for Men

Are you desperate to find some Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend or Husband that aren’t the simple shirt, watch or Perfume ? You want to show your significant other how much He really means ; your gift should demonstrate your love , Respect and the thought that you CARE through the time put in to choosing a Christmas gift especially for him.

Christmas is the most special occasion for of the year for everyone. Love, joy and peace spread more during this Festival time of year. This Christmas 2011 , make it the best ever for the Man in your life by getting a beautiful Christmas gift that is truly from the heart.

1. Laptop – Men always love the latest in technology! The Latest Laptop is a great way for your husband to stay in touch with his buddies – and you of course.

2. Is he a huge sports or Nascar fan? If you have the financial means, consider a big screen television for the living room or bedroom. He will love bonding with the guys and enjoying the race or game on a huge screen!

3. Gift basket – No, gift baskets aren’t just for women! A gift “basket” doesn’t really have to be an actual basket. A cooler with his favorite sports team or Nascar logo on the side filled with related goodies like coffee mugs, t-shirts, caps, a six pack of beer, some nuts and “snackies” and other related items will make it his best Christmas ever.

4. Games – Is he a huge fan of video games? Consider a PlayStation 3 Slim. It has network media streaming, Blu-ray playback and all kinds of bells and whistles that will tickle his fancy.

5. Is he the outdoor type? If your husband loves to hunt or fish, consider a prepaid trip that includes, lodging, meals and all the rest. If you have a couple that are good friends, split the cost with the other wife so that two buddies can enjoy themselves together!

Of course, you can still buy him the Greetings Cards , Jackets , watches and other things you normally do, but just add something a little special to make his Christmas one he will never forget.

New Year SMS collection

Welcoming New Year with lovely SMSs is the current practice. Millions of people will send out New Year Greetings SMS wishes to their dear ones sharing the joy of the fresh beginning of a year.

Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear,
Let all ur Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in ur Ear
Wishing u a very “Happy NEW YEAR“!

Before the golden sun sets,
old calender is destroyed,
And mobile networks get jammed,
I wish in new year every moment is enjoyed

Receive my simple gift of LOVE
Wrapped with SINCERITY
Tied with CARE &
Sealed with BLESSINGS
2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the life long.

Tom Cruise
Angelina Jolie
Aishwarya Rai
Jennifer Lopez
Amitabh Bachhan
& me..
All the Stars wish u a Very Happy New Year.

Fill ur life with Happiness & Bright Cheer,
Bring to u Joy and Prosperity for the whole Year,
And it's my New Year wish 4u Dear...

New Year begins, let us pray, that it will be a year with new Peace, New Happiness, and abundance of new friends,,God bless you through out the new Year.

The flow of sending New Year SMS on December 31st is so huge that it will be equivalent to almost every citizen in India will receive an SMS that day. It is one of the most used non-voice service that allows senders to stay connected and exchange ideas.

People prefer to send SMSs because they are communicative, short, precise, cost-effective and instantly delivered to the recipients' address. It has also become much popular as a personalized way of sending New Year greetings.

Sending paper greetings card is gradually in the verge of becoming obsolete because of the target reach factor of the SMS.

Today, people prefer to fresh and snappy communication tools which makes New Year SMS the most favoured one. And because of this reason, firms are continuously reconsidering and expanding the SMS network and installing powerful towers to provide consistent signal channels.

There are numerous SMS portals that allow its customers to send love, funny and humorous New Year SMSs to any destination within India in less than a minute.

The collection of SMSs and service of providers are offered absolutely free. JaxtrSMS, a mobile application is one such reliable text message service provider that let its users send unlimited free SMSs to any other phone anywhere in the world.

So, make the coming New Year 2012 a special year for all your dear ones with some lovely New Year SMSs. source - Times of India

The different types of New Year SMS include humorous SMS for New Year, Funny SMS for New Year India , sweet SMS New Year wishes, and many more. SMS for New Year can also be sent in different languages reflecting your innermost expressions. 

Best SMS

• Bid adieu to the year that past and thank God for it to go peacefully. Wishing a Happy New Year.
• May the New Year bring more prosperity and cheer and no tear, Happy New Year.
• Ring bells for the New Year to come and the past year to go. Have a Happy New Year.
• May your resolutions and dreams come true; Wish you a Happy New Year.
• May you have a relaxed mind, a peaceful spirit, and a Happy New Year.

Lovable SMS

• May you have the fragrance of Rose and loads of smiles wish you a Happy New Year.
• May this year shower umpteen joys in your life and your dreams come true. Happy New Year.
• May this New Year bless you with a lovely baby, happiness and good health. Happy New Year.

Funny SMS

• May your troubles last as long as your resolutions, Happy New Year.
• Once fall in love, not with a person necessarily, but with a dream, an idea or an ambition. There will be bright reasons to wake up, Happy New Year.
• People are conscious about eating between Christmas and New Year, it is better they stay conscious of what they are eating between New Year and Christmas. Happy New Year.
• I wish you sweet Sundays, magical Mondays, tasty Tuesdays, working Wednesdays, thankful Thursdays, friendly Fridays and slogging Saturdays, to have a new good week. Happy New Year.

Tips to send Greetings Cards

The holiday season is the perfect time to reconnect with your customers in a less business-like and formal manner. In the spirit of the season, why not communicate with your current and prospective customers using holiday greeting cards? It wouldn’t hurt to start this annual tradition now, in fact, it could even bring back greater rewards for your business. If you have already been sending people greeting cards over the years, then that’s great. You understand the importance of establishing deeper connection with your customers. So, to help you make the most of your holiday greeting cards, here are some tips that you will find every useful:

Order and prepare early

Be ahead of everyone else who is planning to flood your recipient’s mailbox with holiday greeting by planning about your holiday cards weeks before the season. Actually, a month before would be the perfect time to order your cards, especially if you are thinking of customizing them to include any branding or special designs. Use the time to pick and design your cards. But if something happens that you were not able to have enough time to prepare, don’t worry. You can still send something to your customers. If you feel that your cards will make it by Christmas, then consider sending them as New Year’s Day cards instead.

Make your cards unique and memorable

You can always select a standard design from holiday card catalogs, but it is not certain if the cards will have any impact to your recipients. You may choose to create a very unique and memorable holiday greeting card and without breaking your budget. You don’t need to pay for professional designers to carry out your design ideas. There are online templates available for greeting card designs that you can choose from. Once you have selected the right design for you, you can just incorporate your own ideas or other design elements. You may include a group picture of your staff or your office interior to customize the card.

Incorporate your brand identity

Other than including your own business card, you may want to consider incorporating some other types of branding on your holiday greeting cards. You may choose to include your business name and website URL, but more importantly, be sure to use your logo and company colors to make the look for your greeting cards consistent with your corporate identity.

Personalize the card

Most business holiday greeting cards are pre-printed and mass mailed, giving them all too professional appearance and feel. Try a different approach by taking the time to address your cards personally and writing a short note for your customers. A personal, handwritten note from you can make a lot of difference in creating a memorable impact on your customers.

Choose your timing

Christmas is not the only time you could send your greetings. You may want to consider sending Thanksgiving cards or New Year’s Day cards to steer clear from the masses of cards that are sure to hit the mailboxes in December.

How to Send Greetings Cards Via Email

Sending a Christmas card via email is a quick, easy, inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to send holiday greetings to family, friends and colleagues. You can create a card suitable to send via email with a variety of resources available online. While some sites will send the greeting for you, other programs such as PowerPoint or Microsoft Word will allow you to send the card through your own email provider. Using either method makes it easy to personalize the card for each recipient and include current family photographs and events.


1 Visit a website such as bluemountain.com, americangreetings.com or hallmark.com for a large selection of Christmas eCards.

2 Pick one and personalize it. Maybe select a different one for family, friends and colleagues.

3 Input your recipients' email addresses and click send. The website will send the card to your Christmas card list.

4 One advantage to using these websites is that you can send a lot of cards at once and also include a different personalized message for every person on your list. Note that some of these websites offer a yearly subscription: $14.99 for bluemountain.com, $15.99 for americangreetings.com and $9.99 for hallmark.com, while others like 123greetings.com are free.


1 Visit a website such as bluemountain.com, americangreetings.com or hallmark.com for a large selection of Christmas eCards.

2 Pick one and personalize it. Maybe select a different one for family, friends and colleagues.

3 Input your recipients' email addresses and click send. The website will send the card to your Christmas card list.

4 One advantage to using these websites is that you can send a lot of cards at once and also include a different personalized message for every person on your list. Note that some of these websites offer a yearly subscription: $14.99 for bluemountain.com, $15.99 for americangreetings.com and $9.99 for hallmark.com, while others like 123greetings.com are free.

Design Your Own eCard

1 To create your custom card, visit a website like smilebox.com.
2 Personalize by picking a background, selecting or uploading an image and then building your card.
3 Preview the card.
4 Add recipients and click send. The website will send the card on your behalf.

Photo eCard

1 You can create your own photo eCard with a free online service, such as Photobucket.
2 Upload your photo to photobucket.com and click on "Edit Image," revealing several tabs that allow you to alter your picture. For example, using the decorate tab, change your photo into a Christmas card by adding holiday text, color and a frame. You can even add decorative stickers, such as presents and bows.
3 To prepare the card for dispersal, save your modified picture on your computer.
4 Send it through your regular email program as an attachment. This method makes it easy to create a different card for each recipient.

eCard Letter

1 Creating a card as an attachable document using a word processing program is more work but more personal for the recipient. Open Microsoft Powerpoint or Word on your computer, insert pictures representing events from the year, and add text describing those experiences.

2 You can make the document any size, from a standard-sized card to an 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch letter, allowing you to include more than one picture and event. You also can add a general or personalized Christmas greeting for your family, friends and colleagues.

3 Save the document to your computer in an easy-to-find location, naming it something distinctive. It may be advisable to save the file as a PDF document in case your recipients' computers do not have the program you used to create the card.

4 To send, open your email provider, create a new email and click on "Attach File." Select your document, either in its original format or as a PDF and add your recipients in the address line preferably as a BCC (blind carbon copy), which allows you to send to a group of people while concealing their email addresses from each other.

Send free New Year Greetings Cards 2013

Sending New Year Greetings through the email is the best way to spread holiday cheer. You can make custom New Year Greetings card using family photos or choose from a variety of per-existing card designs. Sending large amounts of holiday Greeting cards though the email , however , can be costly if you have a large List of Good friends. Choose to Send New Year Greetings card 2013 to help you reduce your holiday spending. You can find free New Year Greetings Cards online at a variety of greeting cards websites.

1. Choose a free Website to send Greetings Cards such as greetingsngifts.com

2. Click on the New Year Greetings Cards design you want to use then click the option to "Customize" your e-greeting.

3. Enter your name and email address then the email address and name of the recipient. If you are sending your card to more than one person, click "Add Recipient" and enter each person's name and email address in the boxes provided.

4. Fill your Personal details and Select the date you want to send greetings cards in India Choose a date within four days of New Year as you want your guests to receive your greeting during the holiday season.

5. Don't forget to Click on "Preview" to proofread your New Year greeting card for spelling mistakes , check names or typos. Click "Edit" to make changes, if needed then at last Click "Send" once you are satisfied with your New Year greeting Card.

Send Season Greetings , Wishes & Greeting Cards

Business promotional tactic to get flow with the holiday frenzy. Always make sure to aim to be at the peak of the clients consciousness in this very busy season. Send all your potential clients Greeting cards, with well wishes, for the coming holiday season. Send these things along other business promotional materials that provide them a complete list of your business products and services. Better yet, make sure to send all your love to all your avid clients with holiday season discounts and promotions. There is no better place for your business promotions to be than beside your usual client writing his wish list. To further improve your know how about these things, below are some of the tips and ideas that you can always keep in mind for you to have a effective and successful greeting card campaign.

• Stimulate your clients attention and interest by creating a personal trade print. Address all clients in warm and friendly manner. Avoid being a total stranger.

• If most of you want to observe subtlety, avoid printing logos and slogans. It is a dead giveaway that some clients may find annoying without even opening your mail.

• Get the interest and attention of all your clients with a humorous holiday cartoon. You may utilize an image of Santa Claus lining up in your holding a credit card. The chance of your clients keeping a funny card is more often than not higher that compared to a sentimental trade print with landscapes on it.

• If you want to cater a bigger client base, make sure to advertise a sense of sensibility by making use of holiday themes that do not precisely patronize any given religion. Always make sure to greet all your clients with the words season greetings, or have a happy and prosperous yuletide season.

• Make use of your greeting card printing services to build or cement solid client relations. Make sure to send all your well or best wishes, then introduce your business to all potential clients, or even thank repeat clients for their loyalty to your business.

• Make sure to reward all your clients with season’s gift. Provide all your current and avid clients a give away item or even a membership card for your business. Entice all the new clients with discounts, coupons, promotions, or even stickers. In addition, also give a deadline for your business promotions to make urgency.

Business Greetings Cards Good way to Greet Clients

If you can communicate your message with just your eyes, it will be much easier to inspire people and evoke their feelings. One look and they will already feel your emotion and understand your thoughts. Unfortunately, effective communication doesn’t only involve the eyes. There are a lot of elements at play which will help you convey your message to your audience.

As a business owner , you need to understand that communication is an integral part of your organization. It is the one element that will keep your vision and goals achieved smoothly and effortlessly. Communication can be done through speech, writing, or body language. All or a combination of these elements will help you convey your message, idea, or feeling effectively.

These days, there are different ways to communicate with people. There’s the traditional way which includes the telephone, letter, and fax, and there’s the modern way which includes email, instant message, and social networking sites. These avenues will allow you to express your ideas and thoughts to your audience effectively. It’s critical that you find the perfect avenue to communicate your marketing messages; otherwise, your business won’t be noticed and heard.

If you want to make use of the traditional avenue, one good material to invest in is the greeting card. Greeting card printing is cost-effective enough to do allowing you to create as many greeting cards as you want at an affordable price. These cards are fun, flexible, and easy to do so you don’t have to worry if you are doing them on your own. But you have to take into consideration the three important components of the card: cover, inside panel, and the back cover.

Business greeting cards basically look like any other greeting card, only that they are designed to fit your business.

Cover : This section has to be designed well. It should be as interesting as possible in order to catch people’s attention. You can include an interesting image on it, but make sure that it is relevant to your business and your message. As much as possible, use full color printing to make the front cover look lively and exciting.

Inside panel : There are two sides to the inside panel. This is where you will put your greeting and your message. This doesn’t mean though that you will put as many words and ideas inside. Remember that you are only meant to send your greeting and perhaps some information. Overcrowding the inside panel with too many ideas will only make your material confusing.

Back cover : This is where you can put the credits. Perhaps you want to mention your designer or printer. You can also include additional details on this side such as coupons or perhaps additional contact details. Don’t assume that just because it is the back panel, you don’t need to design it well. It’s still part of your greeting card templates so you need to design it well.

Of course, you would need an envelope to send your cards. Make the design of the envelope consistent with your greeting card to help promote your brand well.

Good way of communication is important in business not only to promote your products or services but to spread ideas as well. Your greeting card is only one effective way to communicate with your target audience. Be sure to put the same care and importance in your other materials the same way you do to your greeting card. This way, you are sure to keep good communication line with your customers and prospects. source : zuarticles. com

Gift Ideas for Girlfriend

Gift Ideas for Girlfriends -If you are married or engaged then make sure you make the Valentines Day a memorable one to your Wife or Girlfriend with gifts, love and romance. Show your girlfriend how much she really means to you – our selection of unique gift ideas makes a refreshing change to the high street. They're sourced from around the world by the Treat Her gift hunter team, who make it sole purpose in life to know exactly what Gifts Wife , women or girlfriend want! Choose from a specially hand-picked selection of everything from romantic gestures to things made to make her feel on top of the world.

Men don't know what to buy for us ladies... So here's a little something to start them off in the right direction!

1. Jewelry is always acceptable. But not just any jewelry should be purchased. You should put some thought into it, maybe something with her birthstone or if it's really serious, go with a diamond something. Women love jewelry, you can't go wrong here. Please no rings or earrings - go with a bracelet or a necklace with a nice pendant. This gift idea is always a little on the pricey side but well worth the smile when she opens it.

2. Clothes are another good selection. Maybe you want to get her that sexy lingerie you saw last week? Really a sweater is nice and also any kind of pajamas. Your girl is a sports nut like you? Get her favorite team's jersey or a sweatshirt with their logo on it. One thing to remember here is that gift certificates are not acceptable to us women and make sure you find out the correct size. You can be sneaky about it too - just check an article of her clothing while she is say in the bathroom?

3. A trip for two for a weekend. This idea gives a chance for relaxation and quality alone time. It's a perfect idea! Maybe she likes to ski? Or maybe she hates the cold weather? Place preference depends on the couple but it's a nice thought. Who wouldn't want a romantic weekend getaway given to them?

4. Your girlfriend drives a lot whether for work or personal reasons; she is just always on the road. Why not get her satellite radio? And makes sure her subscription is paid for 6 months or a year.

5. Get with the latest technology. Get her an IPOD or another form of an MP3 player. And makes sure you include a dock for home and car so it can travel everywhere with her. And she can be up to date with technological advances.

6. Try not to go the music/movie or CD/DVD route. But if you do, make a whole gift basket for her. Her favorite movie of all time on DVD and her favorite band's new CD that she has been eyeing would be great. Then add in a few extras. This depends on what she likes but a few ideas include: a snack type food, bottle of wine, chocolate, a book, computer game or video game (make sure she likes it first!), candles, bath and body products.

7. Maybe there is something in her home that she needs like a TV or DVD player. Or maybe there is a piece of furniture she has been wanting. Again this can be pricey but at least it's something she wanted!

8. Does your girlfriend own her own home? Does she rent an apartment? Either way, framed art is a very awesome idea. Think about what she likes and the colors that are in her living room/bedroom/etc. And pick something that reflects her overall taste and blends with the room nicely.

9. Another thing she may need or want is a digital camera. Maybe she wants one but hasn't been able to buy one. Or she's afraid to buy something she doesn't know much about. Or she has one that is old and not so advanced. Upgrade her!

10. Any gift from the heart. Anything you think long and hard about she will like. What about flowers for a year or an edible arrangement? Just remember this, whatever you buy for her - you should KNOW she would like it and be just as excited to open it, as you are to give it to her. And she loves you not the gifts you give her! 

There are a few more Gift ideas for girlfriend :

- Romantic gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Flowers.
2. A box full of chocolates.
3. Watch with photo.
4. A basket full of fruit, flowers and sweets.
5. Framed photo of You and I.
6. Plushy toy, squeaker.
7. Candlestick and candles.
8. Sandglass.
9. Computer mouse path with a photo.
10. Heart-shaped lamp.
11. Handwritten love letter.
12. Fragrant napkins and teacups.
13. Beautiful kite.
14. Bunch of flowers.
15. 100 roses.
16. Hotel room with jacuzzi, champagne, candles, rose leaves, romantic dinner.
17. Driving with a limousine.
18. Medallion with a photo.
19. A basket full of little meaningful presents (soap for cleanliness, money for richness, slippers for warmth, herbal tea for health, lemon for smile, etc.).
20. Big cake with candles.
21. Huge chocolate.
22. Hand-painted pot with a flower.
23. Sledging, then hot tea/wine from thermos and cookies.
24. Picnic with champagne and cake.
25. Stargazing.
26. Yachting, boating.
27. Chocolate, cheese, wine, champagne tasting/fondue, chocolate fountain. V
28. Date at the seaside with champagne, cream and strawberries.
29. Heating teddy bear.
30. Paper sky lanterns.
31. Sent flowers with a love card.
32. Serenade.

1. Plant, bonsai, tree, flower, houseplant.
2. Recipes book.
3. Cosmetic set.
4. Pajama, slippers.
5. Watch.
6. Silk bathrobe.
7. Handbag.
8. A mug for Her.
9. Coat, fur.
10. Digital camera.
11. Ice cream maker.
12. Cocktail shaker.
13. Blender, stewpot, bain marie.
14. Ice cream bowls.
15. Natural cosmetics.
16. Alarm clock.
17. Flower vase.
18. Home juicer.
19. Bath set, sponge, shower gel.
20. Wallet.
21. Warm socks, gloves, scarf.
22. Warm cover.
23. Toaster.
24. Cooking shapes.
25. USB lamp.
26. USB ventilator.
27. Gift certificate.
28. Hotdog maker.
29. Heart-shaped pan.
30. Fondue.
31. Bag, basket, handbag.
32. Perfume.
33. New dress, skirt , shirt.
34. Funny slippers.
35. Manicure set.
36. Interior decoration.
37. Tea service.
38. Self-protection class.
39. Box for jewellery.
40. USB heating slippers.
41. Pirate Costumes

- Active gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Parachute jump.
2. Go-karting.
3. Rock-climbing.
4. Windsurfing class.
5. Flight with a sailplane.
6. Land yachting (blocarts).
7. Recreative, acrobatic, review flight.
8. Driving a motorbike, scooter.
9. Moto safari trip.
10. Power kiting class.
11. Driving with rally champion.
12. Archery, shooting.
13. Flight with a balloon.

- Adventurous gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Riddles of how to find You with little gifts.
2. Buried gifts (treasure).
3. Photosession.
4. A day in adventure park.
5. A day in amusement park.
6. Overnight boating, canoeing, rafting.
7. Horseriding.
8. Scuba-diving.
9. A tour to swamps.

- Gift ideas for girlfriend concerned with her hobbies :

1. A pet.
2. Favourite performer’s CD.
3. Sports club’s subscription.
4. Solarium’s subscription.
5. Cuisine class.
6. Golf class.
7. Ping-pong class.
8. Painting class.
9. Decoupage class.
10. Pottery class.
11. Massage class.
12. Climbing class.
13. Wool fulling-mill class.
14. Painting on silk class.
15. Porcelain decoration class.
16. Glassware class.
17. Photography class.
18. Designing and dressmaking class.
19. Singing class.
20. Piano, guitar class.
21. Sushi making class.
22. Pilotage class.

- Sexy gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Sexy underwear.
2. Fluffy handcuff.
3. Mask and whip.
4. Strings.
5. Erotic dance and massage.
6. Sexy nightwear.
7. Erotic photosession.
8. Sexy kimono.

- Funny gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Funny cup with a note.
2. Funny gumboots.
3. Sexy apron.
4. Stress ball.
5. Funny wireless computer mouse.
6. Fluffy boxing-gloves.
7. Mirror-magazine’s cover.

Intellectual gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Dance lesson.
2. Book.
3. Bible.
4. Table game.
5. Tickets to a concert, a theatre or an exhibition.
6. A sightseeing tour of the town.
7. Foreign language class.
8. Chinese script (hieroglyphic) class.
9. Computer class.
10. Oratory class.

Original gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Portrait, still-life, graphic arts picture, landscape, marine picture.
2. Handmade jewellery.
3. Belly-dance lesson.
4. Photosession with original costumes.
5. Chocolate manufacturing.
6. Cosmetic manufacturing.
7. Perfume manufacturing.
8. A day in a recording studio.
9. Calligraphy class.
10. DJ’s (music mixing) class.
11. Stained glass class.
12. Mosaic class.

Luxury gift ideas for girlfriend :

1. Swarovski crystals (bracelet, necklace, earrings, ring).
2. Gourmet dinner at a restaurant.
3. Gourmet teas’ collection.